Attitude - There are various opinions expressed by psychologists about understanding attitude. World of Psychology will be a little review of what's called attitude? As said by psychologists Thomas WJ (in Ahmadi, 1999), which imposes limits as a level attitude trends are positive and negative, associated with the object of psychology. Object psychology here include: symbols, words, slogans, people, institutions, ideas and so on.
Definition of Attitude
According to Sarnoff (in Sarwono, 2000) identifies the attitude of willingness to respond (disposition to react) positively (Favorably) or negatively (unfavorably) to the object - a particular object. D.Krech and RS Crutchfield (in Sears, 1999) found that the attitude of the organization that is settled from the motivational, emotional, perceptual, and cognitive aspects of the world of the individual.
While La Pierre (in Anwar, 2003) gives the definition of attitude as a pattern of behavior, tendencies or anticipatory readiness, predisposition to adapt in social situations, or simply, the attitude is a response to social stimuli that have been conditioned. Further Soetarno (1994) gives the definition of attitude is the view or feelings that accompanied the tendency to act on a particular object. The attitude is always directed to something means nothing without an attitude. Attitude is directed to objects, people, peritiwa, views, institutions, norms, and others.
Although there are some differences in terms of attitudes, but based on the opinions of the above it can be concluded that the attitude is a state in which man moves to act or do in social activities with certain feelings in response to a situation or condition of the objects in the surrounding environment. In addition it also provides readiness posture to respond to the positive or negative nature of the object or situation.
Factors Affecting Attitude Formation
Social learning forms of social interaction. In social interaction, individuals form different patterns of attitudes toward psychological object faces. Among the various factors that influence the formation of attitudes are:
- Personal experience. In order to be the basis of attitudes, personal experiences have left a strong impression. Therefore, the attitude will be more easily formed when personal experience involves emotional factors. In situations involving emotions, appreciation will be more in-depth experience and longer trace.
- Culture. B.F. Skinner (in, Azwar 2005) emphasized the influence of the environment (including culture) in shaping one's personality. No other personality than a consistent pattern of behavior that illustrate the history of reinforcement (reinforcement, reward) owned. The pattern of reinforcement from the public to the attitude and behavior, rather than to the attitudes and behavior of others.
- Other people are considered important. In general, the individual being conformist or the direction of the attitude of the people it deems important. The trend is partly motivated by a desire for affiliation and the desire to avoid conflict with the people considered important.
- Media. As a means of communication, the mass media such as television, radio, has a major influence in shaping people's opinions and beliefs. There is new information on something that provides the foundation for the emergence of new cognitive attitudes towards it. Suggestive messages that carry information, if strong enough, will provide basic affective in assessing something emepersiapkan and forming attitudes toward certain.
- Educational Institutions and Religious. As a system, educational and religious institutions have a strong influence in shaping attitudes because they lay the foundation of understanding and moral concepts within the individual. Understanding the good and the bad, the dividing line between something that can and can not do, is obtained from the center of the educational and religious activities and teachings.
- Emotional factors in themselves. Not all forms of attitude is determined by environmental circumstances and personal experiences. Sometimes, a form of attitude is a statement that is based on emotion which serves as a sort of channeling frustration or transfer form ego defense mechanisms. Such an attitude is temporary and goes away so frustrating was lost but could also be more persistent attitude and more durable. example form attitudes based on emotional factors are prejudice.
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BalasThank u! 😊
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