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Meaning Personality Faces Behind Someone

The Meaning Behind The Face Personality Someone - not just the facial shape can reveal your personality and future but also whether you are compatible with your partner. These characters and properties that can be revealed from your face;

1. EYEBROW. Can show your mindset.

  • If you have thick eyebrows to the base and then dismissed at the end of the show you are very talented in starting new projects.
  • Eyebrows that starts with a thin base and end up with a thicker end shows that talented people to follow detail.
  • If you are thick eyebrows indicating the strength of intellectual
  • If you have thin eyebrows thin demonstrate mental intensity.
  • Straight eyebrow shape indicates that you are a good person, aesthetically but if the distance is too close to the eyes.
  • If your eyebrows are too thick means you are a short-tempered and impatient.
  • Eyebrows are slightly pointed ears give the sense that you are a happy friendly attitude.
2. EARS. Shows how to design your reality and how you unconsciously react to things around you.
  • If your ears long then it indicates that you have an incredible ability to listen.
  • If your ear size was then demonstrated flexibility in listening.
  • But if your ears shorter then showed a tendency to not only gather information but also pay attention to it seriously.
  • Angled shape of your ear to the usually means you are easy to adjust.
  • While the ears are angled outward show that you hesitate to follow the rules of society.
  • For your ears are located higher than the brow then show that you people who want high achievers.
3. NOSE. Demonstrate how you manage your money and what makes you different as a worker.
  • Short Nose talent shows hard work.
  • Long nose showed skill and strategy planning special.
  • Straight nose shows systematic.
  • Curved nose reveals creativity.
  • Bumpy nose showing your work back and forth.
  • Big nose showed the ability to make money.
  • If the nostrils closed more than open, men are more likely to maintain their wealth.
4. MOUTH. Reflects self-expression.
  • Form full lips, good at making conversation so wide open and could reveal something embarrassing.
  • Thin lips show that you are smarter at keeping secrets private.
  • Short lip can show that you are more like a one-way conversation.
  • You have a long lips then shows that the ability to speak to many people.
  • If you have full lips and big earlobes can show that you are a very sensual person.
  • A thin upper lip indicates the less affection while the lower lip fuller shows the challenge.
5. Chin and jaw. Taken together or separately can reveal ethic, ability to make decisions and how to resolve conflicts.
  • Jaw width can show that you tend to be more physical than mental. Vice versa if you narrow jaw. While the high forehead indicates thinkers while the rounded forehead showed idealistic.
  • Be careful, it helps you to be careful with people who have a protruding upper lip to the top lip down, especially if a thin upper lip. Because such people are likely to have the property looking for prey.
  • You should also be alert to people who have outstanding berhidup face and taper down, almost invisible lips, small eyes and high cheek bones with a little meat. Because people who have this face shape has a cruel nature.
Believe it or not this article, there is a theory called Theory Lombrosso, which fall into the category of criminal theories. The theory states that form the structure of a person's face reflects his personality.
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